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Porsche Sportscar Together Day Hockenheimring 2019

Porsche Deutschland invited all friends of the brand to join the opening ceremony of the brand new Porsche Experience Center Hockenheim (PEC) on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th of October 2019.

I visited the event with a group of Porsche 911 enthusiasts who didn't expect to find a place with about 170,000 square metres, a brand new 2,8 km handling track, sling plate, low-friction course and a driving dynamics area.

“Porsche stands for emotions, passion and genuine experiences,” emphasised Detlev von Platen, Member of the Executive Board for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG. “The Porsche Experience Center Hockenheimring is intended as a point of contact for customers and enthusiasts from all around Europe. This is where they can experience what the “Porsche feeling” represents and meet the Porsche community.”

The day started at 9:11 o'clock in the morning with a perfect parking lot for our beloved and aircooled 911, the park & coffee area reserved by QR-code. Wow, Porsche goes digital!

70,000 visitors discovered the unique Porsche experience world for customers and fans. 9,000 of them brought their own Porsche car. They didn't only bring in curiosity but also hunger, so Porsche did well to invite a variety of food trucks, too. 

From the roof-top of the PEC you can enjoy a large view on the Hockenheimring main circuit. We were able to watch the Porsche Sports Cup race in the afternoon with 911 cars from nearly all generations. I didn't expect to see a 993 GT2 in race trim from the beginning of my career at Porsche in the nineties as well as 996/997 GT3 or 991 GT3 RS racecars.

The Hockenheim pits were full of nicely prepared race cars and all the equipment which is necessary for the week-end, not to forget the Weber BBQ grills.

Down in the underground car park we discovered some former champions from the Porsche Museum heritage race car fleet: 550 spyder, 917/10, 935, GT1 '89 . All of them were shown on the handling track later guided by a Taycan instructor car. This reminded me very much to the Porsche Sound Night.

In a row here we have all six generations of Porsche 911 GT3 cars. “The opening of the new Porsche Experience Center is a forward-looking step for the Hockenheimring – Porsche as a brand excellently matches our tradition-rich race track and our further plans to create a mobility centre at the heart of Europe,” explains Thomas Reister, CEO of emodrom-group.

Please enjoy some of the aircooled customer Porsche 911 and 356 cars. In the back there is a glimpse of the new Michael Maurer "mountain tool", a customized 3.8 litre 964 in a fancy "Kreide" colour, powered by Thomas Nater from ap-car-design.

Here Porsche Deutschland welcomed their special guests to the Pit Lounge where they could get a first impression of the new Taycan Turbo S in deep shining black colour trim. 

Time to say good bye - and keep in touch with PEC Hockenheim! For more detailed information please have a look into the Porsche newsroom from Oct. 13th, 2019.

(C) Uwe Reuter, Oct. 14th, 2019


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