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Motorworld Stuttgart

Today's trip leads me to the Stuttgart Motorworld which surprisingly is not located in Stuttgart but in Böblingen :-) on the so called Flugfeld, the former state airfield. It doesn't matter - it's always worth a trip for some unusual experiences or a scene shop talk. We like it for a meet and greet at the numerous events out there.

The Motorworld Stuttgart is not only a car enthousiasts meeting point, it's an event location where you can arrange your parties amoung the most unique vehicles. In the glass boxes I found privately owned Porsche 911 front the early 911 "F" to 997 GT2, 991 GT3 RS, Cayman GT4 or the well known 914 GT of Herbert Linge's ONS-Staffel. 

Everywhere in the historic airfield buildings you will find reminiscences like aircrafts, jets or a 1:2 scale model of one of the first planes build by Hans Klemm a local hero in Böblingen.

The 914 "ONS" sponsored by Recaro was one of the first safety cars in European racing equipped with fire fighting stuff an a "flying" doctor on board. ONS mean "Oberste Nationale Sportbehörde" and was the top motorsports authority in Germany.

This white 964 C2 Cab is currently on sale at Mohr Klassik. 137.000 km and partly revised - should be ok for 54.900,- €.

Concerning the shops I personally enjoyed Grand Prix Originals (dresses, Gulf livery) or Limora Oldtimer (Brit-parts, books etc.). Besides Porsches you will find a wide variety of other makes especially Mercedes and Ferrari up to the top price segment including modern Bentley and Lamborghini dealers and workshops.

For those who would like to go there, here are the details:

MOTORWORLD Region Stuttgart
MW Region Stuttgart Betriebs GmbH
Graf-Zeppelin-Platz 1 · 71034 Böblingen
Mo – Sa: 7.30 – 20.00 Uhr
So, Feiertage: 10.00 – 20.00 Uhr


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